Saturday, November 19, 2011

Name:-Italiya kinjal B
Paper –E-C -302 Research Methodologies
Topic: - Preparing research proposal
Roll No:-09
Batch: - SEM -III       
Submitted to:-Dr.Dilip Barad

Preparing research proposal
Audio visual (ICT) and computer -Based Technology Use in Second Language Learning: four skill of English language

Roll no:-O9.
Dept. of English.
Bhavnagar University.
Submitted to Dr. DilipBarad
Dept. of English
Bhavnagar University
This paper reviews the Research on Audio visual -Based Technology use in Second Language Learning: four skill of English language given the strong interest in technology use for Language learning, it is important to look at how technology has been used in the field thus far.

The goals of this review are:-
(1) To understand how Audio visual have been used in to support second language and foreign language learning,
(2) To explore any research evidence with regards to how Audio visual technology can enhance language skills acquisition.

This paper discusses the findings of said review under the following categories:
(a) Potentials of Audio visual technology and its use in specific areas,
(b) Software tools used in certain language
Skill areas,
  (c) Computerized language testing,
 Second language learning, foreign language learning, in Audio visual in language Learning, technology enhanced language learning.

                        The application of Audio visual technology in language classrooms included the use of Film, radio, television, language labs with audio/video tapes, computers, and interactive video Various types of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) also began to become more commonplace .Although there were some innovative uses of software, the majority of CALL uses were limited, in form, to drill and practice exercises. As the technology advanced, we began to see more interactive uses of CALL as well as an increase in the integration of various media into the computer system. Audio visual technology became more accessible to both individuals and schools.
Moreover, our growing understanding of its potentials has encouraged a shift in emphasis from Audio visual technology itself to its applications. That is, finding ways to use computers, Film, radio, television, language labs with audio/video tapes for enhancing teaching and learning has gained prominence in the research. Today, the use of multimedia, the Internet (especially the World Wide Web), and various forms of distance learning are wide spread. Interest in using them as tools to support language learning is growing, both from the perspective of a language educator and that of a language learner. Given the strong interest in the potentials of Audio visual technology for language learning, it is important to examine how   Audio visual   have been used to support second and foreign language learning in the past. Our task was, therefore, to review the literature on it should be noted that for the purpose of this Research, I use the terms "second language"
And "foreign language" interchangeably, and have included   Research        that address both. The technologies examined in this review refer to computer-based or audio visual (ICT) technology uses in the classrooms, such as traditional computer-assisted language uses, multimedia technology, and the Internet.

The questions guiding this research are:
(1) How have Audio visual (ICT) and computer been used in second/foreign language learning/teaching.
(2) Is there any research evidence on how Audio visual (ICT) and computer-based technology can enhance language skills acquisition?
            By examining the literature, I hope to get a better sense of what we already know from the past research and what I need to know while planning research for the future.

My intent was to review research Purpose that discussed computer technology in second/foreign Language learning/teaching in refereed   Material, whether they were data-based or not.  My primary data source was from refereed print-based Material.  I decided not to include, as my data source, from material in abstracts for two reasons:
 (1) I wanted to review refereed print-based Material documents and
(2) I considered it virtually impossible to locate and get copies of all material documents.
The bibliography provides a complete list of all the articles reviewed for this project.

Given what appeared in the print-based Material documents
Following categories:
 (1) Non-research based, and
(2) Research based.
The non-research based
Category included conceptual discussions and descriptions on
 (a) The potentials of Audio visual (ICT) and Computer technology and its use in specific areas,
(b) Computerized language testing. On computer use in second/foreign language learning

Potentials of Computer Technology in Second Language Learning
For example,
Asserted that the possibilities of computer technology as a tool could include increasing language Learners’
(1) Self esteem,
(2) Vocational preparedness,
 (3) Language proficiency and
(4) Overall Academic skills.
                       Furthermore, the benefits of multimedia, the Internet, and various forms of Distance education were explored by many others .included the use of Film, radio, television, language labs with audio/video tapes, Educators were particularly interested in Technology’s interactive capabilities, such as providing immediate feedback and increasing Learner autonomy, in addition to the capability of simulating real-world situations via audio, video, and graphics.

Importance of Applying Pedagogy and Design Principles
Apart from the reported enthusiasm for using computers, the realization that" is essentially impotent without creative and imaginative application (P.g.121)

Computer Assisted Language Testing
Computer-assisted language testing (CALT) is generally defined as “an integrated procedure in which language performance is elicited and assessed...” by computers (p.g.122)

Research Based Studies

This category was of particular importance and interest to me, as I hoped to find an Answer to my guiding research question, "Is there any research evidence on how computer-based and Audio visual (ICT)
Technology can enhance language skills acquisition?"This category included data based studies using qualitative and/or quantitative methods, as a student I give my own views on it.
"How have computers been used in the in to support second and
Foreign language learning?" It is clear that the benefits of CALL have been widely accepted and educators agree that it can be an effective instructional tool. Both CALL advantages and limitations were explored and discussed with regard to its applications in various skills areas,
With reading and writing as the two most frequently explored areas. The interest in technology appeared to center on the multimedia capabilities of providing authentic learning situations, and local or distant networking capabilities (such as email, synchronous and asynchronous exchange) for facilitating written communication. The use of the WWW in language.

Implications for Future Research
Given what was found in the research, the following are important issues to address as
I plan for future studies in second language learning.
Research needs to have a solid foundation in theories;
Software needs to be based upon relevant pedagogical and design principles for them to
Be effective;
Studies need to use well-established and reliable measures;
Research focus should go beyond anxiety, attitudes, vocabulary acquisition, and language
More research needs to be conducted in the less explored skills areas such as speaking,
Listening, and culture;
More research needs to be conducted at the K-12 level.
Language learning is a multifaceted social and cultural phenomenon, even more so when
It involves new technologies that promote a variety of social interactions
 Studies employing both quantitative and qualitative measures are needed to explain the Complex interaction of social, cultural, and individual factors that shape the language learning Process in a computer assisted environment. In-depth studies which address contextual factors
Such as types of learning tasks and teacher’s beliefs about language learning.
My wish to acknowledge the  Dr.DilipBarad to  provide me guidance on it  and my special thanks to my  brother Paras in searching and gathering the material for this research project.

E.M.Anthony. “Methods and approaches of Teaching English” (10-25)


  1. Avoiding few passages from the assignments will make friends interested more. Topics are clearly mentioned and elaborated. One will not find any problem for looking for any topic if he [or she] read it. Make it more visible with appropriate font size and enough space. Keep learning that, too. Thanks

  2. hi kinjal
    try to good abstrct in assigement and simple language use in assigement. good example and good wishes.

  3. Hi,
    I like Ur research proposal bcoz after
    reading it I can improve my project.Its very effective. I like it..
    nice try...
    good....keep it....

  4. Hi Kinjal
    your assingment is good.some fiture your assingment totally based on English Language teaching and this idea found good combination of two languaage so good work .
    Keep it up
    Foram Vyas
